Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has introduced new services and schedule of buses running from Surat to Bhavnagar on daily basis. Please check the updated timetable and timings of buses from Surat Central ST Bus Stand to Bhavnagar ST Bus Stand. GSRTC has also introduced online ticketing booking system called E-Ticketing through which passengers can book, select their seats and pay online. Kindly check the seat availability and ticket fare / price of bus journey accordingly. As of now there are 3 Express buses, 3 Gurjarnagri buses and 3 Sleeper buses running daily from Surat.
The approximate distance between Surat and Bhavnagar is about 380 KM in length and takes roughly around 9 hours to complete the journey. Sometimes due to excessive traffic between connecting cities throughout it’s route, buses tend to reach late by 20 to 25 minutes on an average. Therefore it is advisable to plan your bus ticket booking accordingly to reach on time.
We would recommend you to reach Surat Central ST Stand atleast 15 to 20 minutes prior to boarding schedule of bus. This will give you a clear idea about the passing buses and approximate time of travel.
GSRTC Surat Central to Bhavnagar Bus Stations and Route Details
- Surat Central ST Stand
- Surat Adajan
- Surat Kapodra ST Stand
- Ankleshwar ST Bus Stand
- Bharuch Zadeshwar GNFC Chowkdi
- Baroda Central ST Stand
- Baroda Amitnagar
- Ahmedabad CTM Express Highway
- Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir Stand
- Ahmedabad Nehrunagar
- Iskcon Cross Roads
- Dholera SIR
- Tarapur
- Bhavnagar ST Bus Stand
GSRTC Surat Central ST Stand – Bhavnagar ST Bus Stand Timetable Timings online
The buses generally follow the route as mentioned: Surat Central – Ankleshwar – Zadeshwar GNFC Bharuch – Baroda Central – Tarapur – Bhavnagar. We have listed the buses with their new schedule and timings updated.
Express Bus Schedule
1. Surat Central – Talaja Express Bus (Surat Departure Time: 06:00 AM reaching Bhavnagar: 14:00 PM)
2. Surat Central – Rajula Express Bus (Surat Departure Time: 09:29 AM reaching Bhavnagar: 17:30 PM)
3. Surat Central – Talaja Express Bus (Surat Departure Time: 13:15 PM reaching Bhavnagar: 21:15 PM)
Gurjarnagri Bus Schedule:
1. Olpad – Bagdana Gurjarnagri Bus (Surat Departure Time: 07:00 AM reaching Bhavnagar: 14:30 PM)
2. Ukai – Bhavnagar Gurjarnagri Bus (Surat Departure Time: 10:00 AM reaching Bhavnagar: 17:30 PM)
3. Shirdi / Navsari – Bhavnagar Gurjarnagri Bus (Surat Departure Time: 21:30 PM reaching Bhavnagar: 05:00 AM)