Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has introduced new bus services from Bhavnagar to Ahmedabad on daily basis. Please check the updated timetable and timings of buses running from Bhavnagar ST Bus Stand to Ahmedabad Geetamandir Bus Stand. You can also book tickets online from GSRTC portal and check the status of seat availability before the journey. Currently there are 20 Express bus services and 4 Gurjarnagri buses and few Volvo buses running daily from Bhavnagar.
The usual journey time to reach Ahmedabad Central Bus stand is around 4 hours. Sometimes due to connecting traffic length between cities of Bhavnagar and Ahmedabad, there might be possibility of delay in reaching the destination.
You can board the bus based on mentioned below schedule and make sure to reach on time. If possible, we recommend you to reach the bus station atleast 15 minutes prior to the scheduled departure of the bus in order to see the status of buses.
GSRTC Bhavnagar to Ahmedabad Bus Stops Schedule Route Details
- Bhavnagar ST Bus Stand
- Dholera SIR
- Bagdana
- Sarkhej
- Iskcon Cross Road
- Ahmedabad Nehrunagar Bus Stand
- Ahmedabad Shahibaug
- Ahmedabad Gitamandir Bus Stand
GSRTC Bhavnagar to Ahmedabad Central Bus Timetable Timings Online
The buses usually follow the above route and their timings play a key role since morning arrival buses will not run late as compared to evening buses. GSRTC has also introduced Volvo AC Seater and AC Luxury Sleeper buses on this route.
Express Bus Schedule
Bus Starting Station | Bus Ending Station | Bus at BHAVNAGAR | Bus at AHMEDABAD | Travel Time | Seat Availability and Tickets |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 00:30 AM | 04:30 AM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Una | Ahmedabad Central | 00:50 AM | 04:40 AM | 3 hours 50 minutes | Yes Available |
Mahuva | Gandhinagar | 02:50 AM | 07:00 AM | 4 hours 10 minutes | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Gandhinagar | 04:30 AM | 08:30 AM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 05:00 AM | 09:00 AM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Gandhinagar | 06:15 AM | 10:30 AM | 4 hours 15 minutes | Yes Available |
Palitana | Patan | 06:40 AM | 10:45 AM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 07:00 AM | 11:00 AM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Tharad | 07:30 AM | 12:00 PM | 4 hours 30 minutes | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 08:00 AM | 12:00 PM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Mahuva | Ahmedabad Central | 08:15 AM | 13:00 PM | 4 hours 45 minutes | Yes Available |
Una | Ahmedabad Central | 10:10 AM | 15:35 PM | 5 hours 25 minutes | Yes Available |
Bus Starting Station | Bus Ending Station | Bus at BHAVNAGAR | Bus at AHMEDABAD | Travel Time | Seat Availability and Tickets |
Bagdana | Bapunagar Ahmedabad | 10:45 AM | 15:25 PM | 4 hours 40 minutes | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 11:00 AM | 15:00 PM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Diu | Ahmedabad Central | 11:30 AM | 16:00 PM | 4 hours 30 minutes | Yes Available |
Jafrabad | Ahmedabad Central | 11:45 AM | 16:10 PM | 4 hours 25 minutes | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 12:30 PM | 16:30 PM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 13:00 PM | 17:00 PM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Gandhinagar | 14:00 PM | 18:15 PM | 4 hours 15 minutes | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 15:00 PM | 19:00 PM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Mahuva | Ahmedabad Central | 15:15 PM | 20:00 PM | 4 hours 45 minutes | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Modasa | 15:30 PM | 20:30 PM | 5 hours | Yes Available |
Bus Starting Station | Bus Ending Station | Bus at BHAVNAGAR | Bus at AHMEDABAD | Travel Time | Seat Availability and Tickets |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad | 16:00 PM | 20:00 PM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Mahuva | Ahmedabad Central | 16:35 PM | 20:35 PM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 17:00 PM | 21:30 PM | 4 hours 30 minutes | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 18:00 PM | 22:00 PM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 19:00 PM | 23:00 PM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 20:30 PM | 01:00 AM | 4 hours 30 minutes | Yes Available |
Bhavnagar | Ahmedabad Central | 22:00 PM | 02:00 AM | 4 hours | Yes Available |
Mahuva | Ahmedabad Central | 23:05 PM | 03:30 AM | 4 hours 25 minutes | Yes Available |
Best information thanks