GSRTC Ahmedabad to Abu Road Mount Abu Bus Timetable Timings

Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has introduced several bus services from Ahmedabad to Mount Abu / Abu Road on daily basis. Please check the updated timetable and timings of buses running from Ahmedabad Gitamandir Bus Stand to Mount Abu Bus stand. GSRTC has facilitated online ticket booking service through which passengers can book E-Tickets online based on seat availability. Kindly check the fare / price of tickets before boarding or booking tickets for particular bus. Currently there are 1 Express bus and 11 Gurjarnagri Bus services running daily from Ahmedabad.

The approximate time to reach Mount Abu (Abu Road) from Ahmedabad is 5 hours and the total distance between the two cities is 235 KM in length. Sometimes due to traffic between the highways and connecting cities, it becomes difficult for buses to reach on time and therefore a potential delay of about 20 – 25 minutes can happen on long routes.

We advise you to reach Ahmedabad Central Bus stand atleast 15 minutes prior to boarding time of bus schedule. You can definitely check the correct arrival of bus timings and make sure you book tickets as well to avoid last minute rush.

Please keep in mind due to recent COVID-19, the states of Gujarat and Rajasthan Government have set some health and safety norms, therefore kindly check from time to time regarding the current status of travel.
In the article, we will be covering the details of timetable, Abu Road and Mount Abu both – schedules and arrival timings of GSRTC buses.

GSRTC Ahmedabad to Mount Abu / Abu Road Bus Stations, Halts and Route

In this section, we will talk about the halts or stations where all the buses will stop on the way and pickup passengers from bus stations. For passenger convenience, you can always book your tickets online to avoid rush and non-availability of seats.
The list of halts are:
  • Ahmedabad Gitamandir ST Stand
  • Naroda Patiya
  • Nana Chiloda
  • Himmatnagar ST Stand
  • Ambaji Bypass
  • Abu Road
  • Mount Abu
The above is the official list of station and can vary depending on the traffic and bus availability.

GSRTC Ahmedabad Geetamandir – Mount Abu / Abu Road Bus Timetable Schedule

The buses usually follow the route: Ahmedabad Central – Paldi – Nehrunagar – Palanpur – Taleti – Pali – Abu Road – Mount Abu. The Express buses are generally day time running buses and you can travel on them without any issues. These are also fast moving buses.

If you coming from long distance, then Gurjarnagri buses will suit you since they provide reserved seats at convenience without needing to book them at ticket counter.
Please find the new schedule of buses as mentioned below:

Express Bus Schedule

These buses start from 6 AM in the morning and continue until 9 PM in the evening. The approximate fare for travel in these buses is Rs.141/- per head and travel time is 4 hours 30 mins on average.

1. Ukai – Ramsingh Express Bus (Ahmedabad Departure: 12:00 PM arriving Abu Road: 16:50 PM)

2, Ahmedabad Gitamandir – Zalor Express Bus (Ahmedabad Departure Time: 08:00 AM and arrives Abu Road Time: 12:30 PM)

Gurjarnagri Bus Schedule

These buses are long distance covering different districts together. The approximate fare is about Rs.150/- per head and average travel time recorded is 5 hours.
The list of buses are:

1. Ahmedabad Central – Mount Abu Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Departure: 06:45 AM arriving Mount Abu: 13:00 PM)

2. Ahmedabad Central – Jodhpur Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Departure: 08:15 AM arriving Abu Road: 11:45 AM)

3. Ahmedabad Central – Mount Abu Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Departure: 12:45 PM arriving Mount Abu: 20:00 PM)

4. Ahmedabad Central – Kalindri Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Departure: 20:45 PM arriving Abu Road: 02:00 AM)

5. Vapi – Jodhpur Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Departure: 23:15 PM arriving Abu Road: 03:40 AM)

6. Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir – Abu Road Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Departure Time: 16:00 PM and arriving Abu Road: 21:00 PM)

7. Bhavnagar ST Stand – Shirohi Bus Stand Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Departure Time: 13:10 PM and arriving Abu Road: 18:30 PM)

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