GSRTC Rajkot to Bhavnagar Bus Timetable Schedule Timings Online

Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has introduced new schedule of buses running from Rajkot Central to Bhavnagar. Please check the updated timetable and timings of buses from Rajkot Central Bus stand to Bhavnagar ST Stand on daily basis. Now you can also book tickets online based on seat availability and ticket price / fare booking through GSRTC online. Currently there are 15 Express buses, 5 Gurjarnagri buses and 3 Sleeper buses running daily from Rajkot Central ST Stand. In this article we have also covered the journey stops by the buses and monthly concession scheme by GSRTC Rajkot Head office.

The buses usually take around 4 hours to reach the destination. There are lot of buses running from Bhuj and Jamnagar towards Bhavnagar having stop at Rajkot. Occasionally buses directly start from Rajkot and goes to their last stop – Bhavnagar.

    Due to heavy traffic connecting between cities of Rajkot and Bhavnagar, there might be a delay of 15-20 minutes to reach the destination. Hence you are requested to reach the Bus station prior to 10 minutes for better understanding and ticket booking of buses.

    Currently GSRTC has also planned for providing monthly and weekly passes and concessions for public convenience without having to buy tickets for repeated travel. They are providing discounted half yearly and quarterly passes as well for students and daily passengers travelling between two cities.

    GSRTC Rajkot Central to Bhavnagar ST Bus Stand Stoppages and Route Queries

    The following is the route that most GSRTC Buses take while enroute to Bhavnagar and it depends upon the availability as well. The Rajkot – Bhavnagar Highway serves best for the travel and these Express and Gurjarnagri buses tend to take this route most often due to easier access.

    We have listed the below details regarding the bus station stops:

    • Rajkot Municipal Corporation Office
    • Aji GIDC
    • Shapar
    • Gondal
    • Atkot
    • Charkha
    • Chavand
    • Mandva
    • Sanosara
    • Bhavnagar ST
    The above is a tentative list and it can vary depending upon the conditions of the highway. There is one pit stop as well that buses halt in between the highway. It provides passenger refreshments and considered a good resting stop for 10-15 minutes.

    GSRTC Rajkot Central – Bhavnagar Bus Timetable Updated Timings

    We have mentioned the comprehensive list of buses running daily from Rajkot Central ST Bus Stand that consists of Express, Gurjarnagri and Sleeper Buses running on regular frequencies, so kindly follow the schedule as per Gujarat ST Bus arrival data.

    The approximate travel time between Bhavnagar ST Bus Stand to Rajkot Central CBS is around 190 KM in length and it takes approximately 4 hours to reach either destination. If you have booked tickets online, kindly be present at the bus station atleast 15 minutes before the scheduled departure of the bus.

    During evening and morning peak hours, there can be delay in reaching Bhavnagar due to slowness of buses in traffic conditions.

    Express Bus Schedule

    We have provided a detailed list of buses running as Express service. These are generally quicker and convenient services running during day time and most passengers opt for the same.

    The list of bus timings are:

    Bus Starting Station Bus Eding Station Bus at RAJKOT Bus at BHAVNAGAR Travel Time Seat Availability and Tickets
    Bhuj Bhavnagar 01:35 AM 04:45 AM 3 hours 10 minutes Yes Available
    Dwarka Bhavnagar 07:15 AM 11:00 AM 3 hours 45 minutes Yes Available
    Khambhaliya Bhavnagar 09:30 AM 14:00 PM 4 hours 30 minutes Yes Available
    Rajkot Central Bhavnagar 11:15 AM 15:15 PM 4 hours Yes Available
    Bhuj Bhavnagar 12:00 PM 15:55 PM 3 hours 55 minutes Yes Available
    Bhuj Bhavnagar 13:50 PM 17:00 PM 3 hours 10 minutes Yes Available

    Bus Starting Station Bus Eding Station Bus at RAJKOT Bus at BHAVNAGAR Travel Time Seat Availability and Tickets
    Rajkot Central Bhavnagar 14:00 PM 18:00 PM 4 hours Yes Available
    Rajkot Central Bhavnagar 15:00 PM 19:00 PM 4 hours Yes Available
    Kalavad Jamnagar Bhavnagar 15:45 PM 20:45 PM 5 hours Yes Available
    Rajkot Central Bhavnagar 17:15 PM 21:05 PM 3 hours 50 minutes Yes Available
    Dwarka Bhavnagar 18:00 PM 22:00 PM 4 hours Yes Available
    Rajkot Central Bhavnagar 19:00 PM 22:30 PM 3 hours 30 minutes Yes Available
    Bhuj Talaja 20:10 PM 23:40 PM 3 hours 30 minutes Yes Available

    Bus Starting Station Bus Eding Station Bus at RAJKOT Bus at BHAVNAGAR Travel Time Seat Availability and Tickets
    Rajkot Central Bhavnagar 20:30 PM 00:10 AM 3 hours 40 minutes Yes Available
    Jamnagar Bhavnagar 22:15 PM 02:50 AM 4 hours 35 minutes Yes Available

    Gurjarnagri Bus Schedule

    The following are the list of Gurjarnagri buses running on this route. These are generally long distance buses travelling across different districts, therefore their availability at a specific time is questionable.

    If you are willing to take risk in travelling in these buses, make sure before booking tickets, you know that these buses are running to avoid cancellation and delays.

    Bus Starting Station Bus Ending Station Bus at RAJKOT Bus at BHAVNAGAR Travel Time Seat Availability and Tickets
    Bhuj Mahuva 01:30 AM 04:00 AM 2 hours 30 minutes Yes Available
    Rajkot Central Bhavnagar 05:00 AM 08:50 AM 3 hours 50 minutes Yes Available

    Bus Starting Station Bus Ending Station Bus at RAJKOT Bus at BHAVNAGAR Travel Time Seat Availability and Tickets
    Rajkot Central Bhavnagar 06:15 AM 10:20 AM 4 hours Yes Available
    Jamnagar Bhavnagar 08:50 AM 13:15 PM 4 hours 25 minutes Yes Available
    Jamnagar Bhavnagar 15:40 PM 19:10 PM 3 hours 30 minutes Yes Available

    Sleeper Bus Schedule Timings

    The Sleeper bus service is available for passengers travelling overnight and their availability is good on daily run. If you are planning to cover 4 hours of journey during night, then Sleeper Bus service is good in terms of speedy travel.

    You are also assured that you don’t miss out on next day especially in travelling purposes. Following are three Sleeper buses currently available:

    1. Bhuj ST Bus Stand to Talaja GSRTC Bus Stand Sleeper Bus (Rajkot Central Bus Stand Departure Time: 22:00 PM and arrival at Bhavnagar ST Bus Stand: 02:20 AM)

    2. Surat Central ST Bus Stand to Bhavnagar Bus Stand via Rajkot Sleeper Bus Service (Rajkot Central ST Stand Departure Time: 01:00 AM and arrival at Bhavnagar ST Bus Stand: 05:35 AM)

    3. Mehsana ST Bus Stand to Bhavnagar Central ST Stand Sleeper Bus Service (Rajkot Central ST Stand Departure Time: 19:00 PM and arrival at Bhavnagar ST Bus Stand: 23:30 PM)

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