Gujarat State Transport for Road Corporation has introduced new bus services from Ahmedabad to Porbandar on daily basis. Please check the updated timetable and timings of buses from Ahmedabad Central (Gitamandir Bus Station) to Porbandar ST Stand. You can also book tickets online based on seat availability and fare / price for the journey as applicable. Currently there are 7 Express buses, 2 Sleeper bus and 1 Volvo running daily from Ahmedabad.
As of now there are quite less services running from Ahmedabad directly, however the connecting city – Rajkot has lots of buses running to Porbandar daily. If you board a bus for Rajkot, you can get down there and interchange bus for Porbandar as many Saurashtra intercity buses are running from there itself.
Sometimes due to connecting cities traffic length, it becomes quite difficult to reach the destination on time. Therefore you can expect a delay of atleast 30 to 45 minutes in reaching the destination as the journey is more than 9 hours from Ahmedabad.
Please keep in mind due to the recent COVID-19 situation in Ahmedabad and across different cities in Gujarat, the Government has imposed night restrictions in travel and one cannot travel post 9 PM in the evening till morning 6 AM.
These restrictions are likely to be eased out by the end of December this year and starting next year January 2021 onwards, the travel will be much easier in all the routes.
GSRTC Ahmedabad to Porbandar Bus Stations Route and Stoppages
In this section, we will cover the details regarding all the bus stations that most GSRTC buses follow while going towards Porbandar on a regular basis. Recently GSRTC has announced online discounts scheme and group travel offers for all Gujarat state citizens.
If you are travelling in a family group, then you are entitled for 25% OFF minimum and solo travellers will get 6% OFF on online bookings. Round trips will receive approximately 10% OFF on all bookings done from GSRTC site.
Below are the list of stations:
- Ahmedabad Gitamandir ST Stand
- Ahmedabad Nehrunagar BRTS
The above is a tentative list of stations and the number of stations may vary depending upon the route taken by the buses.
GSRTC Ahmedabad Central – Porbandar Bus Timetable Timings online
The list of buses include three category of buses – Express, Gurjarnagri and Sleeper. The Express buses are day time running buses and they generally operate between 5 AM in the morning till 9 PM evening. These buses are fast moving and local passenger buses and convenient to travel during day time.
The Gurjarnagri and Sleeper buses are long distance running buses and they operate during day and night. Most people travelling in these buses are coming from different districts, therefore it becomes difficult to obtain tickets.
We have mentioned the respective schedule of buses as follows:
Express Bus Schedule
As said earlier, these are day time running buses and reach much faster as compared to other buses. The ticket fare price stands at around Rs.209/- per head and average travel time is 10 hours.
Below is the list of buses:
1. Ahmedabad Central – Porbandar Express Bus (Ahmedabad Departure Time: 01:00 AM arriving Porbandar ST Stand: 10:45 AM)
2. Gandhinagar ST Central – Porbandar Express Bus (Ahmedabad Departure Time: 15:45 PM arriving Porbandar: 01:00 AM)
3. Dahod – Porbandar Express Bus (Ahmedabad Time: 20:10 PM arriving Porbandar: 05:05 AM)
4. Himmatnagar – Porbandar Express Bus (Ahmedabad Time: 22:45 PM arriving Porbandar: 07:45 AM)
Sleeper Bus Schedule
The ticket price fare for Sleeper buses stands around Rs.250/- per head and average travel time is around 10 hours 30 mins.
1. Gandhinagar ST Stand – Porbandar Sleeper Bus (Ahmedabad Departure Time: 21:45 PM arriving Porbandar Time: 06:20 AM)