Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC) has displayed the official Ahmedabad to Rajkot Volvo Bus Time Table and Timings for passenger convenience. You can now check Volvo timings from Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir Bus station or Nehrunagar Bus stand. Please check the ticket rate / price / fare for online booking of Volvo tickets depending on the seat availability. We have also covered the seat availability, journey bus stops and ticket fare of Volvo Bus journey between Ahmedabad and Rajkot for passenger convenience.
The timings of Volvo will depend on Bus availability and traffic conditions of the city. Buses will start from Ahmedabad Central ST Stand (Gita Mandir) and will halt at Nehrunagar and Iskcon Cross Roads. You can book Volvo tickets online at GSRTC website and avoid hassles of long queues at the location.
Sometimes due to heavy traffic especially during evening times, it becomes difficult to reach the destination station Rajkot ST Stand on time, so please plan your journey accordingly.
You can also opt for hassle free online booking facility or get a monthly pass between Ahmedabad and Rajkot and you can travel at a discounted fare. You will have to notify the bus service about the number of times you will travel during a month of time.
Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Rajkot CBS ST Stand Travel Route and Bus Stops
Most of the GSRTC Buses follow a similar route that they have taking the Ahmedabad – Rajkot Highway and it becomes convenient as well since the journey time reduces with smooth road conditions.
Given below are the bus stops in between that Volvo buses follow:
- Ahmedabad Nehrunagar
- Iskcon Cross Roads
- Sarkhej Cross Roads
- Surendranagar Bypass road
- Limbdi Bypass
- Chotila
- Rajkot Limda Chowk
Ahmedabad Central to Rajkot Central Volvo Bus Time Table and Timings Chart
Please find the below the timetable and timings chart for Bus availability at Central ST Bus Stand and reaching time in Rajkot CBS:
1. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Rajkot Central Volvo (Ahmedabad Central: 06:30 AM arriving Rajkot Central: 09:35 AM)
2. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Jamnagar Volvo (Ahmedabad Central: 07:00 AM arriving Rajkot Central: 10:30 AM)
3. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Rajkot Raiya Road Volvo (Ahmedabad Central: 08:00 AM arriving Rajkot Raiya Exchange Circle: 11:30 AM)
4. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Rajkot Central Volvo (Ahmedabad Central: 09:00 AM arriving Rajkot Raiya Circle: 12:30 PM)
5. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Rajkot Central Volvo (Ahmedabad Central: 11:00 AM arriving Rajkot Central: 14:30 PM)
6. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Rajkot Raiya Road Volvo (Ahmedabad Central: 13:00 PM arriving Rajkot Raiya: 16:30 PM)
7. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Rajkot Central Volvo (Ahmedabad Central: 14:30 PM arriving Rajkot Raiya Road: 18:00 PM)
8. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Rajkot Central Volvo (Ahmedabad Central: 16:30 PM arriving Rajkot Central: 20:00 PM)
9. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Rajkot Raiya Road Volvo (Ahmedabad Central: 18:00 PM arriving Rajkot Raiya: 21:30 PM)
10. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Rajkot Central Volvo (Ahmedabad Central: 19:30 PM arriving Rajkot Central: 23:00 PM)
11. Surat Central CBS to Rajkot Central Volvo (Ahmedabad Central: 20:45 PM arriving Rajkot Central: 00:15 AM)
Ahmedabad to Rajkot Volvo Bus Fare and Seat Availability Status
The general full fare of Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Rajkot Central Bus Stand is around Rs.400/- per head and this will change based on boarding and dropping points as well.
Below are some details of the fare:
1. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Surendranagar Bypass Road :: Rs.200/- per head
2. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Limbdi Cross Road :: Rs.300/- per head
3. Ahmedabad Nehrunagar to Chotila :: Rs.350/- per head
This is just an estimate and this can change based on online booking system of GSRTC.