Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has started out new bus services from Ahmedabad to Vadnagar on regular basis. Please check the new updated timetable and timings of buses running from Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir Bus Stand to Vadnagar ST Depot Stand. GSRTC has also introduced online ticketing booking system called E-Tickets through which passengers can book and pay for tickets online. You can select your seats based on seat availability, status, fare / price of the same. Currently there are 7 Express bus service and 5 Gurjarnagri buses running daily from Ahmedabad.
The approximate distance between Ahmedabad and Vadnagar is about 111 KM in length and it takes about 2 hours 30 minutes for GSRTC Buses to reach the destination. Due to the connecting cities in between and parallel traffic length between Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar highway, there might be possibilities that buses reach late by 10 to 15 minutes.
We would advise you to reach Ahmedabad Geetamandir Bus stand atleast 15 minutes prior to boarding departure of bus schedule, so that you can book seats and know accordingly the reaching time of the buses.
GSRTC Ahmedabad to Vadnagar Bus Stations Route and Stoppages
- Ahmedabad Gitamandir ST Stand
- Ahmedabad Nehrunagar BRTS
- Iskcon Cross Roads
- Pakwan Cross Roads
- Gujarat High Court
- Vaishnodevi Circle
- Gandhinagar Infocity
- Gandhinagar ST Depot
- Kheralu
- Vadnagar
GSRTC Ahmedabad Gitamandir Bus Stand – Vadnagar ST Depot Bus Timetable and Timings
Currently GSRTC is providing three classes of service – Express, Gurjarnagri and AC Volvo Sleeper buses in this route. Generally Express buses are fast moving and quick to reach buses and are taken by most local passengers.
Express Bus Schedule
1. Navsari – Vadnagar Express Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 01:30 AM reaching Vadnagar: 04:30 AM)
2. Surat Central – Ambaji Express Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 02:25 AM reaching Vadnagar: 05:10 AM)
3. Ahmedabad Central – Kheralu Express Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 09:20 AM reaching Vadnagar: 11:55 AM)
4. Ahmedabad Central – Vadnagar Express Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 11:00 AM reaching Vadnagar: 13:10 PM)
5. Ukai – Ambaji Express Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 14:15 PM reaching Vadnagar: 17:20 PM)
6. Ahmedabad Central – Kheralu Express Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 18:30 PM reaching Vadnagar: 21:05 PM)
7. Baroda Central – Kheralu Express Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 20:15 PM reaching Vadnagar: 23:05 PM)
Gurjarnagri Bus Schedule
1. Ahmedabad Central – Mount Abu Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 06:45 AM reaching Vadnagar: 09:15 AM)
2. Ghadhada – Ambaji Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 08:45 AM reaching Vadnagar: 11:00 AM)
3. Surat Central – Ambaji Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 11:00 AM reaching Vadnagar: 14:00 PM)
4. Talaja – Ambaji Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 13:00 PM reaching Vadnagar: 15:00 PM)
5. Jamnagar – Ambaji Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Central Departure: 14:45 PM reaching Vadnagar: 17:30 PM)