Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has introduced new bus services starting from Surat to Ambaji on daily basis. Please check the new updated timetable and timings of buses from Surat Central – Ambaji ST Stand. You can also book GSRTC tickets online for buses based on seat availability and price / fare of the tickets. Currently there are 4 Express bus services, 3 Gurjarnagri and 3 Sleeper buses running daily from Surat. As of now GSRTC has not introduced any Volvo bus between Surat and Ambaji.
The approximate time in reaching Ambaji ST Stand is approximately 10 hours of journey. Due to heavy traffic in the connecting cities, there might be a possibility that buses tend to reach late by 30 – 35 minutes at Ambaji Bus stand. This can happen especially when moving out of Surat during evening time schedule.
The buses connects Baroda (Vadodara), Ahmedabad, Himmatnagar as important cities within the route. It follows National Highway 8 which tends to get heavy traffic between Ankleshwar and Bharuch. Due to this reason, the reaching time may be affected by late moving of buses.
GSRTC Surat to Ambaji Bus Stations Route and Bus Stops
- Surat Central ST Stand
- Surat Kapodra
- Surat Kamrej Cross Roads
- Bharuch Zadeshwar GNFC Stand
- Baroda Central ST Stand
- Baroda Amitnagar
- Express Highway CTM
- Ahmedabad Gitamandir ST Stand
- Ahmedabad Nehrunagar BRTS
- Iskcon Cross Roads
- Pakwan Cross Roads
- Sola Civil and Gujarat High Court
- Vaishnodevi Circle
- Gandhinagar Infocity
- Gandhinagar ST Depot
- Vijapur ST Stand
- Himmatnagar ST Bypass Stand
- Polo Forest
- Ambaji ST Terminal Stand
GSRTC Surat Central – Ambaji Depot Bus Timetable Timings Online
We have mentioned the timings of Express buses, Gurjarnagri buses and Sleeper buses in the following order. Among the buses, the Express buses are day time running buses and these tend to reach faster than other buses because of their relative speed and less number of stops.
Express Bus Schedule
Bus Starting Station | Bus Ending Station | Bus at SURAT | Bus at AMBAJI | Travel Time | Seat Availability and Tickets |
Surat Central | Ambaji | 04:45 AM | 15:15 PM | 10 hours 30 minutes | Yes Available |
Ukai | Ambaji | 08:35 AM | 19:50 PM | 11 hours 15 minutes | Yes Available |
Surat Central | Ambaji | 21:15 PM | 07:45 AM | 10 hours 30 minutes | Yes Available |
Surat Central | Ambaji | 21:30 PM | 07:00 AM | 9 hours 30 minutes | Yes Available |
Gurjarnagri Bus Schedule
Bus Starting Station | Bus Ending Station | Bus at SURAT | Bus at AMBAJI | Travel Time | Seat Availability and Tickets |
Surat Central | Ambaji | 05:20 AM | 15:50 PM | 10 hours 30 minutes | Yes Available |
Ahwa | Ambaji | 10:55 AM | 20:30 PM | 9 hours 35 minutes | Yes Available |
Vapi | Jodhpur | 18:00 PM | 02:50 AM | 8 hours 50 minutes | Yes Available |
Sleeper Bus Schedule
Bus Starting Station | Bus Ending Station | Bus at SURAT | Bus at AMBAJI | Travel Time | Seat Availability and Tickets |
Surat Central | Ambaji | 19:00 PM | 05:00 AM | 10 hours | Yes Available |
Surat Central | Ambaji | 20:00 PM | 06:00 AM | 10 hours | Yes Available |
Bilimora | Ambaji | 22:30 PM | 07:50 AM | 9 hours 20 minutes | Yes Available |