Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has started new bus services from Rajkot to Porbandar on daily basis. Please check the new updated timetable and timings of buses running from Rajkot Central Bus Stand to Porbandar ST Stand. GSRTC has also facilitated passengers with online ticket booking system called E-Tickets through which bookings and payment can be done. You can also select the seats of your choice based on availability and status of bus running. Currently there are 7 Express buses, 4 Gurjarnagri and 1 Sleeper bus running daily from Rajkot Bus Stand.
The total length of route between Rajkot and Porbandar is 192 KM in stretch and can be covered within 4 hours of travel journey. Sometimes due to the connecting cities and bus route, there might be a possibility that buses tend to reach late by 15 to 20 minutes at the destination. It is due to heavy traffic following the roads and difficult to maintain speed in such stretches.
We request you to reach Rajkot Central ST Stand atleast 15 minutes prior to boarding time of bus. You can ensure the running time of available buses, know the reaching time with the conductor and also ensure you are reaching on destination in time.
GSRTC Rajkot to Porbandar Bus Stops Route and Stoppages
- Rajkot Central ST Stand
- Hapa Cross Roads
- Gondal ST Stand
- Jetpur Bus Stand
- Jamnagar ST Stand
- Bhanvad ST Bus
- Ranavav Chowkdi
- Porbandar ST Bus Stand
GSRTC Rajkot Central ST Stand – Porbandar ST Bus Station Timetable and Timings online
There are three kinds of buses you can opt for travel here – Express Bus, Gurjarnagri and Sleeper. Express buses are generally day running buses and carry passengers in the scheduled time from 6 AM in the morning till 9 PM evening.
Express Bus Schedule
1. Kavant – Porbandar Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 00:35 AM reaching Porbandar: 04:45 AM)
2. Dahod – Porbandar Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 01:05 AM reaching Porbandar: 05:05 AM)
3. Gangardi Dahod – Porbandar Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 01:40 AM reaching Porbandar: 06:15 AM)
4. Gangardi Dahod – Porbandar Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 02:10 AM reaching Porbandar: 06:45 AM)
5. Rajkot Central – Porbandar Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 09:15 AM reaching Porbandar: 13:30 PM)
6. Bhuj – Porbandar Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 12:20 PM reaching Porbandar: 17:00 PM)
7. Ahmedabad Central – Porbandar Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 20:35 PM reaching Porbandar: 00:50 AM)
Gurjarnagri Bus Schedule
1. Baroda Central – Porbandar Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 02:25 AM reaching Porbandar: 06:20 AM)
2. Rajkot Central – Porbandar Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 11:45 AM reaching Porbandar: 15:40 PM)
3. Baroda Central – Porbandar Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 12:50 PM reaching Porbandar: 16:50 PM)
4. Bhuj – Porbandar Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 14:05 PM reaching Porbandar: 18:30 PM)
Sleeper Bus Schedule
1. Gandhinagar Depot – Porbandar Sleeper Bus (Rajkot Departure: 02:15 AM reaching Porbandar: 06:20 AM)