GSRTC Ahmedabad to Dwarka Bus Timetable Timings Schedule online

Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has started new bus services from Ahmedabad towards Dwarka on daily basis. Please check the updated timetable and timings of the buses running from Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir Bus Stand to Dwarka ST Stand. You can also book tickets online through GSRTC online E-Ticketing service. The availability of seats and ticket fare / prices will reflect the number of tickets available. Currently there are 2 Express buses, 2 Gurjarnagri and 2 Sleeper buses running daily from Ahmedabad.

It takes around 10 hours to reach the destination from Ahmedabad Bus Stand. The distance is about 480 KM in length which connects various cities on the route. Sometimes due to connecting cities traffic congestion, buses might get late by 30 – 45 minutes in reaching Dwarka. Therefore you are advised to plan accordingly and board the bus.

We advise you to arrive at Ahmedabad Bus Stand atleast 20 minutes prior to boarding of bus. It is because you can make sure the bus is arriving on the station and simultaneously check with the conductor on ticket availability.

GSRTC Ahmedabad Geetamandir – Dwarka ST Stand Bus Timetable 2016 Timings

The buses usually follow the route of Ahmedabad Gitamandir – Ahmedabad Nehrunagar – Limbdi – Chotila – Rajkot Central – Jamnagar – Khambhaliya – Dwarka ST Stand. We have mentioned the schedule of buses as follows:

Express Bus Schedule:

1. Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir – Dwarka Express Bus (Ahmedabad Time: 06:30 AM arrives Dwarka: 16:30 PM)

2. Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir – Dwarka Express Bus (Ahmedabad Time: 07:35 AM arrives Dwarka: 18:10 PM)

Gurjarnagri Bus Schedule:

1. Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir – Dwarka Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Time: 06:45 AM arrives Dwarka: 17:15 PM)

2. Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir – Dwarka Gurjarnagri Bus (Ahmedabad Time: 09:30 AM arrives Dwarka: 20:15 PM)

Sleeper Bus Schedule:

1. Ambaji – Dwarka Sleeper Bus (Ahmedabad Time: 00:30 AM arrives Dwarka: 10:30 AM)

2. Ahmedabad Central Gitamandir – Dwarka Sleeper Bus (Ahmedabad Time: 20:00 PM arrives Dwarka: 06:00 AM)

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