Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has introduced new bus services from Rajkot to Bhuj on day to day basis. Please check the updated timetable and timings of buses running from Rajkot Central Bus Stand towards Bhuj ST Bus Stand. GSRTC has also facilitated online ticket booking system called E-Tickets for all buses through which passengers can book and pay online. You can also check the latest ticket price / fare for the journey. Currently there are 16 Express buses, 16 Gurjarnagri and 3 Sleeper bus running daily from Rajkot Central ST Stand. We have also covered the ST Bus Stops and Route details below.
The approximate distance between Rajkot Central ST Stand and Bhuj ST Stand is 270 KM and it roughly takes 6 hours by GSRTC Bus. Sometimes due to extensive traffic conditions between connecting cities within the route, the buses tend to reach late by 20 – 25 minutes.
This does not happen regularly, only sometimes when buses traffic during peak traffic hours.
We advise you to reach Rajkot ST Bus Stand atleast 15 minutes beforehand in order to judge which buses might reach on time and plan your journey accordingly. Please follow the latest timetable which is mentioned below for your reference.
The highway stretch between Bhachau and Bhuj is quite rough and patchy, therefore buses will tend to travel a bit slow on this route throughout.
GSRTC Rajkot to Bhuj Bus Stoppages Route and Station Details
Most of the buses running on this route go via Morbi, therefore you can follow the route to reach on time. Below are the list of bus stations:
- Rajkot Central ST Stand
- Bamanbore
- Wankaner
- Morbi
- Malia
- Samakhiali
- Bhachau
- Bhuj
- Anjar
GSRTC Rajkot Central ST Stand – Bhuj ST Stand Bus Timetable Updated online
In this section, we will be talking about the bus services that are available for all passengers. There are many Express and Gurjarnagri buses that are available to travel with comfort. Most travelling passengers prefer to travel overnight or during day for faster access of buses.
We would prefer travelling in Express bus service from GSRTC for better convenience without any delays. Sometimes it is noticed that Sleeper and Volvo bus service of local bus operators in this route like Neeta, Shreenath and Eagle are also available.
Refer below to the list of buses.
Express Bus Schedule
It is the best mode of communication that is available straight from Rajkot Central Bus Stand. People can board the buses with tickets booked and seats are generally available as most of them start from Rajkot itself.
However, if you are travelling in direct buses, please be prepared to face the crowd, since they are much faster to reach Bhuj and therefore gets more priority among passengers on the way.
The arrival and departure time can vary by 10-15 mins as mentioned below:
1. Veraval – Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 01:55 AM arriving Bhuj: 07:55 AM)
2. Rajkot Central – Narayan Sarovar Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 08:00 AM arriving Bhuj: 13:15 PM)
3. Ahmedabad Sarangpur – Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 09:40 AM arriving Bhuj: 15:15 PM)
4. Savarkundla – Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 10:00 AM arriving Bhuj: 16:20 PM)
5. Bhavnagar – Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 10:30 AM arriving Bhuj: 16:45 PM)
6. Gadhada – Mata Na Madh Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 10:45 AM arriving Bhuj: 16:45 PM)
7. Bhavnagar – Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 10:50 AM arriving Bhuj: 17:10 PM)
8. Porbandar – Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 12:15 PM arriving Bhuj: 18:30 PM)
9. Veraval – Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 15:05 PM arriving Bhuj: 20:55 PM)
10. Palitana Taleti – Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 17:30 PM arriving Bhuj: 23:55 PM)
11. Mangrol – Narayan Sarovar Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 20:00 PM arriving Bhuj: 01:35 AM)
12. Talaja – Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 21:30 PM arriving Bhuj: 04:45 AM)
13. Junagadh – Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 22:00 PM arriving Bhuj: 03:40 AM)
14. Bhavnagar – Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 22:15 PM arriving Bhuj: 04:30 AM)
15. Rajkot Central – Mandvi Bhuj Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 22:50 PM arriving Bhuj: 04:50 AM)
16. Junagadh – Jakhau Salt Express Bus (Rajkot Departure: 23:00 PM arriving Bhuj: 04:45 AM)
Gurjarnagri Bus Timetable
These are long distance buses and their availability at Rajkot Bus Stand depends on the departire time from its originating station. Considering these buses to be running late, please book tickets in advance so that travelling can be eased without having to face rush at last minute.
Given below are the list of buses that are available:
1. Mahuva – Bhuj Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 00:05 AM arriving Bhuj: 08:30 AM)
2. Bantva / Kodinar – Bhuj Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 00:45 AM arriving Bhuj: 06:50 AM)
3. Rajkot Central – Mandvi Bhuj Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 04:45 AM arriving Bhuj: 11:00 AM)
4. Gondal – Bhuj Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 06:05 AM arriving Bhuj: 12:00 PM)
5. Jamnagar – Naliya Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 08:30 AM arriving Bhuj: 15:10 PM)
6. Keshod – Bhuj Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 13:25 PM arriving Bhuj: 19:00 PM)
7. Amreli – Bhuj Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 14:30 PM arriving Bhuj: 20:45 PM)
8. Rajkot Central – Mandvi Bhuj Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 15:45 PM arriving Bhuj: 22:00 PM)
9. Porbandar – Bhuj Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 16:40 PM arriving Bhuj: 22:15 PM)
10. Veraval / Somnath – Nakhatrana Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 17:45 PM arriving Bhuj: 23:45 PM)
11. Somnath – Bhuj Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 22:35 PM arriving Bhuj: 03:50 AM)
12. Diu / Amreli – Bhuj Gurjarnagri Bus (Rajkot Departure: 23:30 PM arriving Bhuj: 06:10 AM)
Sleeper Bus Timings
These bused are available overnight and their convenience helps passengers save time for travelling. The number of buses are very few in strength and GSRTC is considering to run extra buses to avoid rush especially during weekends and festivals.
Following are the list of buses that are available:
1. Surat Central ST Stand to Anjar ST Stand Sleeper Bus (Rajkot Central CBS Departure Time: 02:00 AM and arrives Bhuj ST Stand: 08:00 AM)
2. Baroda Central CBS to Bhuj ST Bus Stand Sleeper Bus (Rajkot Central CBS Departure Time: 23:20 PM and arrives Bhuj ST Bus Stand: 06:15 AM)
3. Ahmedabad Gitamandir ST Bus Stand to Anjar ST Bus Stand Sleeper Bus (Rajkot Central ST Stand Departure Time: 22:30 PM and arrives Bhuj ST Bus Stand: 05:30 AM)